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19 Agustus, 2015

Skin Orange Tangerines Powerful Overcome Cancer

Tangerines who had only known for its sweetness, apparently also has another secret so amazing, because not only the fruit that has the content and benefits that are beneficial for your body. Tangerine peel is generally used only for the manufacture of a mixture of chopped cucumber sambal or it seems to have had a potent efficacy in overcoming cancer. Curious, is not it? Let us consider the following review.

A source said that the tangerine is composed of a very good variety of nutrients needed by the body, such as a wide variety of minerals, iron, glucose, various vitamins, from vitamin A to vitamin C, and calcium, alkaloids, essential oils, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponin and so on.

But, the fact is that not only the content contained in tangerine. It turns out her skin has a natural chemical compounds that are very instrumental in helping to overcome cancer. It is known that orange peel tangerine fruit is composed of several natural chemical compounds, including tangeritin, cystine, tyrosine, decanol, Citronellal, thymol, decanal and many others. One of the substances chemical compounds may help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and contribute to anticancer agents in the body

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