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28 Desember, 2015

Angka Kekurangan Gizi pada Balita dan Pemberian ASi Eksklusif menurut WHO tahun 2015

Berikut data mengenai Angka Kekurangan Gizi pada Balita dan pemberian ASI Eksklusif yang kami sadur langsung dari situs resmi WHO:

Diperkirakan satu dari empat anak (23,2%), atau 156 juta anak-anak mengalami kekurangan gizi secara global pada tahun 2015, dan menghadapi risiko gangguan perkembangan kognitif dan fisik. Diperkirakan 93 juta anak balita (satu dari tujuh anak-anak secara global) menderita efek negatif dari kekurangan gizi, dan 45% dari kematian anak terkait dengan gizi.

Antara tahun 1990 dan 2015, prevalensi kurang gizi menurun dari 25% menjadi 14%, atau mengalami pengurangan 44% yang mengurangi separuh prevalensi kekurangan gizi dari target MDG’s 1. Daerah Afrika jumlah anak yang terkena dampak pengerdilan meningkat sebesar 28% antara 1990 dan 2015.

Pada tahun 1990, 28% dari bayi kurang dari enam bulan diberikan ASI eksklusif meningkat sekitar 34% pada tahun 2010. Selama periode ini, 25 negara mencatat peningkatan lebih dari 20% untuk pemberian ASI eksklusif.

Angka Kamatian Balita Menurut WHO tahun 2015

Berikut data mengenai Angka Kematian Balita yang kami sadur langsung dari situs resmi WHO:

Diperkirakan 5,9 juta anak balita mati pada tahun 2015. Meskipun angka ini masih sangat tinggi, namun telah mengurangi separuh dari angka kematian balita secara global pada tahun 1990. Sebagian besar kematian terjadi di negara-negara kurang berkembang dan disebabkan oleh penyakit infeksi, diperparah oleh gizi buruk, dan pengelolaan pada saat kelahiran. 

Secara global, Angka Kematian Balita telah menurun dari 91 menjadi 43 per 1000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2015, atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 53% sejak tahun 1990, dan mendekati target MDG dari pengurangan sebesar dua pertiga. Namun, banyak negara telah membuat kemajuan luar biasa, dan 62 negara telah mencapai target MDG’s 4. Kemajuan itu dua kali lebih cepat sejak tahun 2000 daripada selama tahun 1990-an.  Data penyebab kematian balita antara lain pneumonia (47%), diare (57%), malaria (58%) dan komplikasi-intrapartum terkait (38% ), dan penurunan dramatis pada kematian akibat kejadian campak lebih dari 75%.

27 Desember, 2015

Angka Kematian dan Penyebab Kematian Bayi Baru Lahir menurut WHO tahun 2015

Berikut data mengenai Angka Kematian bayi baru Lahir dan penyebabnya yang kami sadur langsung dari situs resmi WHO:

Upaya global untuk mengurangi angka kematian bayi telah memiliki dampak paling besar bayi saat bulan-bulan pertama hidup mereka. Pada 2015, ada 2,7 juta kematian neonatal (kematian dalam 28 hari pertama kehidupan) secara global, yang mewakili 45% dari seluruh kematian pada anak balita, dengan 73% terjadi dalam waktu tujuh hari lahir.

Angka kematian neonatal telah menurun di seluruh wilayah WHO sejak tahun 1990, dengan tingkat global yang turun dari 36,2 menjadi 19,2 kematian per 1.000 kelahiran hidup antara tahun 1990 dan 2015, dengan penurunan sebesar 47%. Namun, persentase kematian pada anak balita yang terjadi pada periode neonatal meningkat dari 40% menjadi 45% karena angka kematian pada usia 1-59 bulan menurun lebih cepat. Di Kawasan Pasifik Barat mengalami penurunan terbesar dalam NMR di 75%, sedangkan wilayah Mediterania Timur Daerah dan Wilayah Afrika terkecil (keduanya 38%). Sejak tahun 2000, angka kematian neonatal disebabkan oleh dua penyebab utama, asfiksia saat lahir (34%) dan prematuritas (21%). Kematian akibat tetanus neonatal telah menurun hampir 80% untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini:

Data kesehatan Maternal Menurut WHO Tahun 2015

Sejak tahun 1990, jumlah kematian ibu per 100.000 kelahiran hidup (MMR) turun menjadi 44% . Meskipun ini merupakan peningkatan yang signifikan, namun masih gagal memenuhi target pengurangan 75% yang ditetapkan oleh MDG 5. MMR turun dari 385 di tahun 1990 menjadi 341 pada tahun 2000 dan turun kembali menjadi 216 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup di tahun 2015. Penurunan global dalam MMR sejak tahun 1990 didorong oleh penurunan di Wilayah Asia Tenggara (69% penurunan) dan Kawasan Pasifik Barat (64  penurunan). Daerah Afrika telah menunjukkan kemajuan setidaknya, dengan penurunan 44% antara tahun 1990 dan 2015 dan sekarang menyumbang lebih dari 6-10 kematian ibu secara global.

Berikut: sumber asli yang kami peroleh dari publikasi WHO yang berjudul: Health in 2015: from MDGs, Millennium Development Goals to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals

Health in 2015: from MDGs, Millennium Development Goals to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals

Angka Kematian Ibu untuk tahun 2015 menurut WHO

Menurut Data yang kami peroleh data situs resmi WHO :, angka kematian ibu di dunia untuk tahun 2015 adalah sebesar 303.000 menurun sekitar 44% dibandingkan dengan tahun 1990. untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari publikasi WHO sebagai berikut:


Angka Kematian Bayi, Balita dan Bayi Baru Lahir Indonesia tahun 2015 menurut WHO

Berikut ini kami sajikan data mengenai Angka Kematian Bayi, Balita dan Bayi Baru Lahir Indonesia tahun 2015 menurut WHO yang kami ambil dari situs resmi WHO adalah sebagai berikut:

Year Number of under-five deaths (thousands) Number of infant deaths (thousands) Number of neonatal deaths (thousands)
2015  147 [ 121- 178]  125 [ 105- 150] 74
2014  151 [ 128- 178]  128 [ 110- 149] 76
2013  153 [ 133- 175]  129 [ 113- 147] 76
2012  152 [ 135- 172]  128 [ 114- 143] 76
2011  152 [ 137- 170]  127 [ 115- 140] 75
2010  154 [ 140- 170]  127 [ 116- 139] 76
2009  159 [ 145- 173]  129 [ 119- 140] 77
2008  164 [ 152- 178]  134 [ 124- 144] 79
2007  172 [ 160- 185]  139 [ 130- 149] 81
2006  180 [ 168- 193]  145 [ 136- 154] 84
2005  187 [ 176- 200]  150 [ 142- 159] 86
2004  223 [ 210- 237]  161 [ 153- 170] 88
2003  203 [ 191- 215]  161 [ 153- 170] 90
2002  211 [ 199- 223]  166 [ 158- 175] 91
2001  219 [ 208- 232]  172 [ 164- 181] 94
2000  230 [ 219- 243]  180 [ 172- 188] 97
1999  243 [ 232- 256]  189 [ 181- 198] 101
1998  259 [ 247- 272]  200 [ 192- 209] 106
1997  276 [ 263- 290]  213 [ 204- 222] 112
1996  294 [ 280- 308]  225 [ 216- 234] 117
1995  310 [ 296- 326]  236 [ 227- 246] 122
1994  327 [ 312- 343]  246 [ 237- 257] 127
1993  342 [ 326- 359]  255 [ 246- 266] 130
1992  357 [ 341- 375]  264 [ 254- 275] 132
1991  375 [ 358- 393]  274 [ 263- 286] 134
1990  395 [ 376- 414]  286 [ 274- 298] 138


Untuk data secara global sebagaimana yang tercantum daam grafik berikut:
Source: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA/Population Division. Levels and Trends in Child Mortality 2015. UNICEF, 2015.

20 September, 2015

Benefits of Red Betel Leaves For Health And Beauty

Hasil gambar untuk sirih merah

Well here's an article about the health benefits of red betel leaves are a great many properties such as: For health, beauty, eye treatment, facial, female, acne, cough, skin, teeth and others.

Benefits Betel Leaves Red
Red or Piper betel crocatum has many benefits. In addition to cure a variety of diseases, the benefits of betel leaves red is also used in events daughters palace and used to soften the skin. Along with the study of red betel, it was found that red betel contains flavonoids, polyphenols, alkoloid, tannins, oils atsirih, sapononin, allylprokatekol, karvokol, eugenol, p-cymene, cineole, coryofelen, kadimen, ekstragol, terpenana, and propoda , 

compounds and polyphenols flavoid itself useful as an antioxidant, antiflamasi, and antidiabetic. Meanwhile, excellent alkaloid compounds to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Red betel leaf decoction given to mice with diabetes also were able to reduce the sugar content. This is one proof that red betel can be used as controlling blood sugar in the body of patients with diabetes mellitus. Karvakol compound in red betel has merit as a disinfectant and antifungal, Very good if used as a mouthwash and vaginal discharge medications. 

In addition, the compound eugenol in red betel functioning analgesic or pain reliever. The content of tannin compounds to function as a healer diarrhea and antiseptic on the wound. Red betel gathering can be done by two ways, in a fresh state. Red betel can also be used as a single herb or combinewith other types of herbs.

Benefits of red Betel Leaves 
Red betel vines are planted by people because of the efficacy of treatment and also the beauty of the leaves. This plant is still closely with betel nut and pepper. The scientific name of plant origin is Piper crocatum Sulawesi, which is not cultivated plants originating from the American continent. And red betel can also be used as a cure diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, gout, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, vaginal discharge, inflammation of the prostate, eye inflammation, ulcers, fatigue, and softens the skin. Consider the following information about the benefits of betel leaves more: 

1. Treating coughs
betel leaves are able to treat coughs, it is very easy provide 4 pieces of betel leaf, 3 leaves bidara upas and honey to taste. Betel leaves sliced, then boiled with upas bidara leaves in 2 cups of water to boil. Once cool, add honey to taste, then the mixture was made ​​to rinse. Try to reach the area of the esophagus. 

2. Reducing milk production
milk production is certainly not good excessive and wasteful. You can fix this by using a betel leaf. It's easy, take 4 pieces of betel leaf and spread with coconut oil. After the roast over the fire, do not get burned. In a state still warm, the betel leaf is attached around the breast. 

3. Heart disease
Provide 3 pieces of betel leaf, 7 pairs of seeds cubeb, 3 spring onions, and 1 tablespoon cumin. All ingredients until finely ground, plus 5 tablespoons of hot water, left a few minutes, then squeezed and filtered. The herb drink 2 times 1 day, and performed regularly. 

4. Treating Diseases Sfilis 
Benefits betel leaf sfilis able to treat the disease, how to easily prepare 25-30 betel leaves along the stems, 1/4 kg of palm sugar and salt to taste. All the ingredients are boiled together with 2 liters of water to boiling, then filtered. The herb drink 3 times 1 day continuously. 

5. Bronchitis
Provide 7 pieces of betel leaf and 1 piece of rock candy. Chopped betel leaves, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and filtered. The herb drink 3 times a day 3 tablespoons. 

6. Overcoming Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a disease that can make you go back and forth to the bathroom, if you have diarrhea, you can try to solve it by using betel leaves by taking six pieces of betel leaf, 6 grains of pepper and 1 tablespoon of oil. Then mash the three ingredients until smooth, then rub it on the stomach with diarrhea. 

7. Treat bleeding gums
If you experience bleeding of the gums, the benefits of natural solutions betel leaves, treat it with betel leaves. Way, take 4 betel leaves and then boiled in two cups of water to boil. Once cool, boiled water is used for rinsing. Do it repeatedly until cured. 

8. Treating Nosebleeds
If you often have nosebleeds or bleeding in the nose, you can stop it by using betel leaves. You do this by taking one betel leaves are rather young, then pulverized, roll up while holding out the oil. Then use your nose to clog up the blood did not come out again. 

9. Treating cavities
If you megalami toothache because of cavities, immediately take the betel leaves and boiled in two cups of water to boil. The betel leaves boiled water used for rinsing. Perform erulang again until healed. 

10. Treating Cancer
betel leaf can be useful for treating cancer, you can use it to treat it by taking a few betel leaves, then boiled until the water is reduced to 1/4, then take the water decoction of the betel leaves, mix with honey. Drinks 3 times a day while still in a warm state. 

2. Urinating launched
betel leaf is a diuretic beneficial for the smooth urination. If you experience difficulty urinating disease, you can try using betel leaves to act unilaterally to make a betel leaf juice. The trick is to mix betel leaf juice with honey and milk, then drink for 1 week. 

7. Treat sores or hives
One benefit of betel leaf that can treat sores and itching caused by bacteria and fungi. You can treat it simply by boiling the leaves of the betel, than the boiled water used for bathing or also by itchy skin wash only. You do this by taking 15 to 20 pieces of betel leaf, then wash and boil. Wherever possible use boiled water betel leaf in a state still warm. 

8. Treating Acne
For those of you who have problems with acne and immediately wanted to remove it, trust in the efficacy of betel leaf. You can use betel leaves by taking 8 to 10 pieces of betel leaf, then wash, squeeze or coarsely ground, then brewed with hot water and use the water to wash the wound. Do it this way until 2 or 3 times a day. 

9. Body Odor Eliminating
you have problems with body odor, and want to eliminate it naturally. You can try using betel leaves to eliminate, because the efficacy of betel leaf is able to overcome body odor. The trick grab 5 betel leaves and boiled in two cups of water. Wait until the remaining up to 1 cup only. Then drink at noon. Do this until the odor is gone. 

10. Betel leaf efficacy may Treating Ulcers
If you're exposed to a boil, then you can use to treat betel leaves. It's easy, just by mashing old betel leaf to taste, then dab the affected area to boil. Tidaj betel leaf in order to escape, you should use the cloth bandage. 

Now that the benefits of betel leaf for treatment, health and beauty, do not miss to read also the benefits of soursop leaves.

Benefits of Papayas Seeds for Health Benefits

Hasil gambar untuk biji pepaya

The following are the benefits and efficacy of papaya seeds for health, as well as a traditional herbal remedy for various diseases.

Papaya seeds can not be underestimated benefits, but can be used as highly efficacious drugs. 

  1. Papaya seeds as antibacterial research has been carried out and found the papaya seeds if it is effective to eradicate E. coli, Salmonella and Staph infections. 
  2. Papaya seeds in kidney protection. Peneliatian have found that the extract of papaya seeds can protect the kidneys of toxins induced renal failure. 
  3. Papaya seeds in removing intestinal parasites. There is evidence that papaya seeds to eradicate intestinal parasites. In a study conducted on Nigerian children with intestinal parasites, 76.7% of children who received a placebo. 
  4. Papaya seeds Exterminate liver toxin. In the treatment in the State China is believed if a teaspoon of papaya seeds can help detoxify the liver. Papaya seeds are often recommended by doctors naturally in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. 
  5. Papaya seeds tackle intestinal worms. Embarrassing disease is also very good eradicated with papaya seeds, even very potent he said. 

For pregnant women should never consume papaya seeds as a drug because it would lead to the risk of miscarriage. 

Benefits of Fruit Longan For Health

Hasil gambar untuk kelengkeng
Fruit longan is a fruit that grows in the highlands with temperatures cold weather and manifold red soil, but in modern times with genetic science longan can also be cultivated in soil brown or black or in the lowlands. Scarcity fruit longan make the price of fruit is slightly more expensive than other fruits, of course you all already know to be the fruit longan, now we do not have hard to find this fruit, because fruit market also has much to sell it, of course you also never eat the fruit of longan The right ?, do you know that actually this Longan fruit has many benefits, the nutrients and vitamins contained in fruit longan brings many health benefits. Indeed, if we do not yet know the benefits kelengkeng exactly we would often mengabaikkanya, and therefore the way drugs would like to invite you all to understand more what are the benefits of this longan fruit, ok just let us see what the benefits;

Longan Fruit Benefits
Longan fruit contains many essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and also good kandengan other compounds, longan fruit benefits one of which is for beauty, here are some of them:
  • Eliminate scars on the skin, in the longan compound can effectively eliminate scars.
  • Prevent premature aging, anti-aging content in longan fruit proved to be effective to overcome the various signs of aging are like fine lines and black spots on the skin.
  • For the beauty of the hair, longan seed contains saponins in them, these substances biasadipakai as an ingredient in the manufacture of shampoo to keep hair beauty.
  • Lose weight, fat content and calories in the longan fruit is very low, very tepet for those of you who are on a diet.
  • Benefits of longan itself is actually a lot of lo, we can get various benefits of this fruit both from the leaves, seeds, and fruit, when viewed from the all the properties of the fruit longan is a lot, and therefore I'll explain a little important, yes, urainnya below for more details;

1. Anti-depressants
Longan has a calming effect, improves nerve function, overcoming irritation and reduce fatigue. Longan can also treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

2. Helps the heart and spleen 
By reducing stress and fatigue, kelengkengkeng lighten the work of the heart and spleen. Longan also can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. 

3. Accelerate healing and extending life expectancy 
Fruit longan believed to accelerate the healing process and extend the life expectancy of this dikarenak in fruit longan contained polyphenol content that can mmerangi radicals in the body sehinggah damage to cells can be overcome, and keep in mind that the fruit longan also could prevent / reduce the occurrence of cancer. 

4. Blood circulation 
This is why longan can be used to prevent anemia. In addition, longan proven able to control the levels of iron in the body. 

5. Diet
Calories and fat levels of Longan fruit is very low at around 35 calories, so for those of you who want to implement the diet, can try other alternatives to the often consume these longan fruit. 

6. Energy source
It's almost the same number 5 above explanation, although fat and low-calorie, fruit longan contain complex carbohydrates that can be used as an alternative energy supply and increase your stamina. 

7. Prevent fever and flu 
This fruit is rich in vitamin C, including the fruit longan also contains vitamin C, so you must consume in order to prevent a variety of diseases that come when the immune system is again less fit, which is to protect the body from fever and flu / cold 

8. Skin health 
Healthy skin is skin that always appear bright and easy to dry, this can be overcome by frequent consumption of fruit longan, because it contains material anti-aging, whose main function is to prevent wrinkling of skin around the mat, miminimalisir damage and exfoliation and also can lighten skin color. 

9. Overcoming the loss of appetite, weakness and diarrhea affluent
Eat 60 grams of fresh longan, perform twice daily in the morning and evening. 

10. Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety (anxiety) 
"Tonic longan" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fresh litchi fruit and 500 grams of sugar, bring to a boil in airhingga becomes thick. Drink each day of the spoon. Agency weak or repair the body after illness western consumption of 250 grams of fresh litchi fruit every day.

Longan Seed Benefits

1. longan seeds to treat snake bites
If you are bitten by a snake to neutralize toxins in order not to spread to the heart, you can try early treatment / first aid with mengurutnya with longan seeds, because the seeds kelengkeng in trust can absorb toxins due to snake bite and suck the poison.

2. Seeds Longan maintain healthy hair 
Surely you do not want it your hair quickly broken, dry and even easy to fall off, the natural way to care for your hair is to try to use seed longan for shampoo, because the seed longan contain substances saponin is the base material that is usually used to make shampoo 

3. Overcoming toes itch and purulent 
Take some longan seeds, roasted over the fire. Mash until smooth, spread it on the affected part. 4. Burns Take a skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on the part and burn. 

5. Wounds that never healed 
Take a skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with olive oil. Apply on the injured area. 

Another benefit of longan fruit are as follows:
  • Weak and lacking energy during pregnancy
  • Healthy intestines
  • Launched Various Diseases
  • Peluruh Urine and Blood Circulation: The longan tree root efficacious as a laxative urine and blood circulation. 
  • Anti-inflammatory and fever Silencer: The leaves of the tree longan efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever reducer. 
  • Eliminate Pain and Bleeding Stops

Efficacy Cloves To Health

Hasil gambar untuk cengkeh

Efficacy of CloveCloves or clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is native to Indonesia and has a variety of benefits, not only as a flavoring of food; also famous for treating various diseases. In European countries, clove is widely used as a spice in cooking spicy, whereas in Indonesia in addition to well-known to treat various diseases, clove is also used as the main ingredient of the typical Indonesian clove cigarettes. 
The following will explain some of the benefits of cloves to health, among others:

  1. Overcoming Respiratory Infections. According to the professor from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City; Neil Schachter, MD: Cloves works as an expectorant. which can thin the mucus in the esophagus and throat. Tea contains clove can help overcome respiratory infections.
  2. Treating toothache. The cloves can be used to treat toothache is clove flower. To utilization is, roaster 5 to 10 grains of cloves then pounded until smooth. Clove powder is then sprinkled on the aching tooth. 
  3. Overcoming acne blemishes According to Cornelia Zicu (staff Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa), compound Euganol (known as a natural antiseptic for skin balance) contained cloves can be used to prevent acne and acne scars remove stains. 
  4. Germs cleaners alternative compounds or natural antiseptic Euganol on clove beneficial to maintain the cleanliness of your goods. Clove oil can reduce bacteria or fungi present in the household items and prevent germs come back. The trick is to mix 1/2 scoop of clove oil with two cups of water and then spray it to places that are vulnerable exposed to bacteria or germs, such as the bathroom wall. 
  5. Natural deodorizer clothing spicy aroma of cloves which would naturally cover up the odor, but it can maintain the freshness of your goods. One example of its use is for fragrance and refreshing on your clothing. The trick: keep some stem clove into your wardrobe and replace every 2-4 weeks, so that fresh aroma awake

14 September, 2015

Tips on How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

1.       How to Treat Acne With Egg White
To do that, separate the egg yolks and egg whites only grab. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes. The egg white will help reduce oil on the face that often causes acne.
2.       How to Treat Acne Acne With Toothpaste
One thing to note here toothpaste used were shaped pasta not shaped gel, Do almost the same premises both of the above. Apply toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until the morning and then rinse with clean water.
3.       How to Treat Acne With Tomato
Fruit of this one other than good for eye health is also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub over the face with acne and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse. and eat for treatment of in.
4.       How to Treat Acne With Aloe Vera
Caution Do not use the native tongue of the mouth of the crocodile yes, he ,, Take aloe leaf, cut into several pieces, peel the outer skin, apply at the emerging pimples, and repeat doing it this way every morning and evening. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. Additionally aloe vera is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars. Once again the key is only one, painstaking. !!
5.       Treating Acne With Garlic
There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until quite smooth and then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is by eating one or more of garlic every day. Many say this is quite efekktif both ways, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic might be better to resort to the other. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.
6.       Treating Acne With Cleaning Face
Always cleaning face daily hygiene care of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with road dust, diligent cleaning the face before or after activity. As consumption from the inside, then multiply eat vegetables and drink water.

The fruit-containing water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because the contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make your face more clean and radiant. 

Collection of Traditional Medicine to Eliminate Acne on Face Naturally

Your skin is your best friend, you love it and be proud of it, so you do a lot of care to protect the beauty of your skin. Until one day a pimple appears above your skin smooth, and suddenly you feel hate your face, you feel like the ugliest person in the world.
What do you do if you face a sudden breakouts? using chemical drugs that can be bought in pharmacies? using certain cosmetic products in order to disguise the small boil or use a natural remedy in the form of traditional herbs to get rid of acne bully it?
Everyone has a different way in treating diseases of the skin. In addition to the conservative and traditional, there are also several types of homeopathic remedies that are used to treat acne naturally. And for those of you who are interested in knowing how to cure acne naturally, here are 20 traditional natural remedies that you can use to get rid of pimples on the face permanently
  1.  Apple cider vinegar

The main capabilities of apple cider vinegar is to kill the bacteria that cause infections in the face. Apple vinegar alkaline properties which are excellent in balancing the skin's pH conditions which in turn will inhibit the growth of bacteria.

  • Unfiltered apple cider vinegar 
  • Clean water

How to use:
First wash your face with clean water and dry. Then dip a cotton wool in vinegar and spread to an area of facial acne. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse your face with water until clean. Repeat this method several times a day. Use moisturizer afterwards if you feel that your skin becomes drier.

2.  Cinnamon and honey mask
Two of these ingredients does not seem suitable to eliminate acne because the honey is sticky and hot wood. When in fact cinnamon and honey are a couple very potent natural remedy to eliminate acne of the face.

Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that can kill the bacteria quickly. And if the bacteria infect the skin already the honey is the right medication due to its nature as natural antibiotics.
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (cinnamon)
  • Paper towels

How to use:
Rinse your face with clean water then dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and mix well until it forms a kind of pasta. Apply the mask to the face and leave for about 10 minutes. Rinse taste and pat your face dry. Because the pasta is very sticky so use a paper towel to dry face.

3. Milk and Honey
Although some discussion refer to milk can cause the appearance of acne on the face, but many other studies also show the role of milk or yogurt that can get rid of acne naturally. Even Cleopatra queen of Egypt is famous for its beauty and the beauty of the skin because milk bath treatment he often did. This is because the acid in yogurt is antibacterial and fat can keep the skin moist.

  • 1 tablespoon low­fat milk or yogurt (except skim milk)
  • 1 tablespoon honey

How to use:
Allow the milk or yogurt at room temperature that is not too cool on contact with the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of milk / yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed and then make the mask on the face until dry, then add it to your face until you feel a certain thickness enough.
Let this process lasts for 10­15 minutes. Then wash your face mask with a soft cloth in a circular motion that aims to get rid of dead skin on theface. After completion moisturise the face if your skin becomes very dry

4. Egg White
Egg white is the most natural way and the easiest to cure acne blemishes as well as eliminate stubborn acne scars. Egg whites contain proteins and vitamins are very high which is useful for building skin cells die quickly. Egg whites also absorb excess oil which means excess sebum can be minimized so that the bacteria is also more difficult to develop. To prevent skin becomes very dry, use a moisturizer after this natural acne treatment methods.

  • 2­3 egg whites (separated by yellow)
  • Bowl
  • Duster

How to use:
Rinse your face with water and pat dry dry. Separate the egg yolks and whites. Beat the egg whites until frothy and let stand for several minutes. Apply egg white before use finger on the face as a whole and focus on areas with acne. Wait until dry and reapply as many as three to four times. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth

5. Papaya to eliminate stubborn acne
Papaya fruit is one type of fruit that is widely used in beauty products today. The good news is you do not need to buy one by one the products to get the benefits. Sports itself and use papaya to treat acne naturally.

Papaya can eliminate dead skin cells excess lipid layer on the surface of the skin and make it look soft and smooth. Lipid is a general term for fat from which the oil formation. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain which is useful to reduce inflammation and help prevent the formation of pus.

1 fresh papaya fruit

Rinse your face with clean water then dry. Mash the papaya flesh until smooth and then apply to face evenly. Leave on for 15­20 minutes then rinse your face with warm water.

6. Pasta Orange Skin
Orange has always been known to be very beneficial to the skin which can rejuvenate the cells and make the skin so fresh. Acne is caused by bacteria that infect the dead skin cells that clog pores, with vitamin C contained in citrus, the new cells can grow rapidly. Pasta orange peel that has been processed can be used to get rid of acne naturally
  • 2 oranges
  • Clean fresh water

Rinse face first with water and then dried. Orange peel puree using a blender or pestle and then add a little water and make a kind of pasta. After obtaining the ideal mix apply to face for 20­25 minutes. Rinse your face with clean water.

7. Tea tree oil
The benefits of tea tree oil has been known for a long time and are used as an alternative treatment. In general, tea tree oil is used as a medicine to treat skin especially acne. Tea tree oil works by dissolving the sebum and dead skin cells that prevent infection under the skin surface. In addition, tea tree oil also has anti­bacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that cause acne and prevent infection. This oil is used topically to the face and not swallowed.
  • 1 small bottle of tea tree oil
  • Clean water
  • Cotton balls

Wash your face first and then dried. Dilute the tea tree oil by mixing it with water at a ratio of 1: 9 (1 drop tea versus 9 drops of water). Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and then apply to the face with acne.

8. Mix the strawberries with honey to treat acne
Honey and strawberries are the most potent acne natural cure and very easy to make. Strawberries have high levels of salicylic acid that can get rid of acne fast. Salicylic acid is the basic ingredient of acne healers are widely used commercial drugs. This acid works opens clogged pores and neutralize the bacteria so that the infection does not occur. Honey works by fighting bacteria that cause infections that may be in acne. Honey also acts as an anti­inflammatory.
  • 3 fresh strawberries
  • 2 teaspoons honey

First wash and dry your face thoroughly. Rinse and third destroy strawberries was then mixed with two teaspoons of honey until evenly distributed. Apply to face with acne, especially in the area for approximately 20 minutes. Rinse your face with clean water and dry.

9. Banana Skin for face mask
Besides the fruit which has many health benefits, a banana peel is also very good to get rid of acne. Banana peel contains a substance called lutein, a powerful antioxidant that can reduce swelling and inflammation and promote the growth of new cells. Rubbing banana peel to the face can reduce the discomfort often caused acne.
1 piece of banana skin

Peel the bananas and eat their fruit. Take the skin and then rub in a circular to the entire face. After all areas of the face has been rubbed, let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with clean water.

10. Aloe vera to treat acne
Aloe vera gel is often used as an ingredient in cosmetics to remove stubborn acne. You can save more by planting their own herbs in your home and begin using the resulting gel to treat the facial skin.
Aloe vera has anti­bacterial and soothing properties and is antiinflammatory,
aloe vera gel can reduce acne redness that has swelled.

Aloe vera gel to taste.

Wash your face thoroughly. Use your fingertips to pinch then apply aloe vera gel to acne on the face. Let stand for 20 minutes then wash and clean your face with water.

Tips: Clean your pillowcase
Technically pillowcases should be washed at least once a week. Pillows are the only materials that come into contact with your skin for approximately 6 hours each day. Pillows were dirty and rarely cleaned will make acne worse and more difficult to remove. Wash and dry your pillowcases once a week and drying pillows and bolster pillows your head so that bacteria can not live and grow there.

11. Mask sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to remove acne scars
This substance is also called baking soda, as an acne medication, this substance is very remarkable in removing acne is mild or severe. Sodium bicarbonate has antideptik properties that can fight the fungus and bacteria and is able to drain the excess oil.

A box of baking soda
Clean water

There are two ways to make the substance sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as a reliever acne that make a face mask or scrub. If you want to make a mask, a box of baking soda mixed with water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the face in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Let stand for 15­20 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
To scrub, mix half a cup of soda banking with one­eighth cup of water. Apply the resulting paste to the face, then massage gently and slowly. After 5­6 minutes, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

12. Lemon juice
Not many know that the usual lemon juice drink it can be used to remove stubborn acne. The content of vitamin C in a glass of lemon juice is very good as skin nutrients. Likewise with nitric acid content in it that can help the process of exfoliation.

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Cotton balls
  • Yogurt (optional)

Rinse your face with clean water then dry. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and give yourself to the facial acne. If it feels sore, mix with a little yogurt.

13. Steam bath
Steam can help relieve acne by opening the pores and remove dead cells from the skin. If you do not usually use the usual steam facilities provided by many a gym, then you can vaporize face using simple materials below.

  • 1 pot of boiling water
  • Dry towel
  • 1 large bowl

1 Boil a pan of water to boil and pour into a large bowl. The cool water for a few minutes before use. Once the water temperature decreases slightly, place your face over the bowl with a towel was placed over the head. After 10­15 minutes remove the towel and pat your face dry. Perform these tips once a day to remove acne and blackheads from the face.

14. Garlic cure inflammation caused by acne
Garlic is a natural remedy to treat cystic acne due to its anti­bacterial. Its use can be done in several ways, one of them with chewed or made as juice. If it is difficult, you can pound the garlic until crushed and mixed with water before drinking. Never apply garlic to the skin without the thin it first.
2­3 cloves of garlic
Water or aloe vera gel

15. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can help you eliminate acne from the inside and the outside. If you soak and cook the grain and use it as a face mask, the inflammation caused by acne can be reduced or the effects of redness caused by infection can be eliminated. For better results, add a few drops of honey into your oatmeal mask.

  • 1 serving of oatmeal
  • Water
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey

Prepare oatmeal as usual (follow use instructions). Under conditions still hot, add two tablespoons of raw honey to the oatmeal. Let stand until the mixture becomes cold and then apply the mixture to the face. Do not apply to face while the mixture is still hot as it can cause burns. Leave the mask on the face for 20­30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry

Acne Facts
  1. Experts believe that the main cause of acne is the increase in the blood levels of the hormone androgen.
  2. Several previous studies demonstrate that susceptibility to acne also is genetic.
  3. Acne treatment really depends on how severe and how often you experience it.
  4. Acne can be aggravated by many other factors such as menstrual cycles, anxiety and stress, hot climate, cosmetics made from oil or greasy hair.

16. Sugar scrub
White or red sugar has the benefit of getting rid of excess skin cells that can clog pores. mix the sugar with honey, olive oil and water will create a sweet scrub that can eliminate acne of the face. There are many different recipes in making scrup made from sugar, following the one that we recommend.

  • 1 ½ cup white sugar
  • 1 ½ cup brown sugar
  • 2­3 tablespoons coarse sea salt
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 tablespoon pure vanilla extracts
  • 1 vanilla bean

Mix 1 ½ cup sugar with 1 ½ cup brown sugar, add 2 tablespoons of sea salt and stir until smooth. If you want to add the vanilla bean, then peel it first had to add to the sugar mixture. Put 2 cups of mixture of sugar / salt / vanilla into a measuring cup and then pour the olive oil and leave it for a while.

17. Mask avocado and honey
There are many myths that developed in the community about acne one of them is eating avocados can cause acne because the fat content in it. Yet so far there is no concrete evidence that can prove the relationship between acne with avocado.
And even vitamins and nutrients in avocados can help dislodge stubborn acne especially if you include having sensitive skin types. Combine avocado with honey face mask will be very good as a natural cure acne.

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Rinse the face first and then dried. Remove the avocado flesh and mash and stir together 1 tablespoon of honey. Mash the dough until it forms a paste and apply to face, especially in areas with acne. Let's face for 15­20 minutes then rinse with warm water and pat dry.

18. Potatoes
Potato is one type of vegetable that can be used to tame the stubborn acne. Potatoes are rich in potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, and chloride which can help remove stains interfere in the face. Potatoes also have high antioxidant which can nourish the skin and mendoron cell growth of new skin cells.

1 potato

Wash your face with clean water until moist face. Grate one potato and rub into your face for a few minutes. Allow the potatoes in the face for 15­30 minutes and then rinse your face using warm water, then dry

19. Drink tea
Many studies prove that green tea can help heal acne when used externally. Internal use is also called quite helpful but research has yet to provide concrete evidence as external use.
The study mentions antioxidants contained in green tea called epigallocatechin­3­ gallate, or EGCG. EGCG is proven to reduce the production of sebum, prevents inflammation and growth of bacteria on the skin.

1/2 cup fresh water
2 teaspoons organic leaf

Wash your face with clean water then dry. Keep the tea leaves in a clean mengkuk then pour fresh water into it and boil. Cool the mixture of water and pour the tea leaves had to container or spray bottle. Use by spraying to the face.

20. Refresh your face with mint leaves
Mint contains menthol, which works as an anti­inflammatory and natural pain relief. Mint will not cure acne but can help eliminate the effects of facial redness caused by acne as well as relieve painful swelling due to infection.

A handful of fresh mint leaves

Rinse and wash face with water and pat dry. Crush the mint leaves in a blender or mash until smooth. Rub mint had been pulverized into your face and let sit for 5­10 minutes. Finally rinse with cold water and pat dry

19 Agustus, 2015

How to Overcome Flu with Natural Herbal Medicines

A natural treatment method has been widely used by our society. Actually this is not a new trend, as grandparents or our ancestors actually has many uses natural efficacy for treating various diseases. Along the progress of time, the natural treatment methods began to be abandoned and the forgotten and replaced with modern medicines or drugs are considered more practical chemistry. Wrong use of chemical drugs to treat diseases? We think not, however, limit its use because of chemical drugs have adverse side effects when frequently consumed.

If you have never used a natural remedy to cure your disease, then there's nothing wrong, from this moment to glance at and try to use natural medicinal plants to solve your health problems. Well, this article we will discuss about the flu How to cope with natural medicine. Quite easy, without the need to see your doctor can treat yourself by following the steps below. Please choose one, which is easily obtainable materials.

  1. Blend 1 tablespoon of carom seeds (a type of spice from India), wrap it in a handkerchief. Breathe whenever you feel clogged nose / difficulty breathing because of the flu.
  2. Boil 1 teaspoon pepper powder by using a cup of milk and a little saffron. Also add sugar to taste to add to taste. Drink 1 time a day for 3 days
  3. Drink a mixture of 3 to 4 teaspoons of onion juice with 3 to 4 teaspoons of honey in order to prevent you from flu
  4. Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon oil with half a teaspoon of honey is efficacious drugs for flu.
  5. Mash rude ginger, then boiled in a cup of water, up to the amount of water is reduced by half, then add the honey. Drink while warm before bedtime

Flu disease, it is not a severe illness. But if left unchecked, it will interfere with your activities. So, there's nothing wrong when trying a few recipes of natural medicine as flu coming on. With proper treatment, the flu will not stand for long in your body. Hopefully this information is useful for you.

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