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20 September, 2015

Benefits of Papayas Seeds for Health Benefits

Hasil gambar untuk biji pepaya

The following are the benefits and efficacy of papaya seeds for health, as well as a traditional herbal remedy for various diseases.

Papaya seeds can not be underestimated benefits, but can be used as highly efficacious drugs. 

  1. Papaya seeds as antibacterial research has been carried out and found the papaya seeds if it is effective to eradicate E. coli, Salmonella and Staph infections. 
  2. Papaya seeds in kidney protection. Peneliatian have found that the extract of papaya seeds can protect the kidneys of toxins induced renal failure. 
  3. Papaya seeds in removing intestinal parasites. There is evidence that papaya seeds to eradicate intestinal parasites. In a study conducted on Nigerian children with intestinal parasites, 76.7% of children who received a placebo. 
  4. Papaya seeds Exterminate liver toxin. In the treatment in the State China is believed if a teaspoon of papaya seeds can help detoxify the liver. Papaya seeds are often recommended by doctors naturally in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. 
  5. Papaya seeds tackle intestinal worms. Embarrassing disease is also very good eradicated with papaya seeds, even very potent he said. 

For pregnant women should never consume papaya seeds as a drug because it would lead to the risk of miscarriage. 

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