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20 September, 2015

Benefits of Fruit Longan For Health

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Fruit longan is a fruit that grows in the highlands with temperatures cold weather and manifold red soil, but in modern times with genetic science longan can also be cultivated in soil brown or black or in the lowlands. Scarcity fruit longan make the price of fruit is slightly more expensive than other fruits, of course you all already know to be the fruit longan, now we do not have hard to find this fruit, because fruit market also has much to sell it, of course you also never eat the fruit of longan The right ?, do you know that actually this Longan fruit has many benefits, the nutrients and vitamins contained in fruit longan brings many health benefits. Indeed, if we do not yet know the benefits kelengkeng exactly we would often mengabaikkanya, and therefore the way drugs would like to invite you all to understand more what are the benefits of this longan fruit, ok just let us see what the benefits;

Longan Fruit Benefits
Longan fruit contains many essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and also good kandengan other compounds, longan fruit benefits one of which is for beauty, here are some of them:
  • Eliminate scars on the skin, in the longan compound can effectively eliminate scars.
  • Prevent premature aging, anti-aging content in longan fruit proved to be effective to overcome the various signs of aging are like fine lines and black spots on the skin.
  • For the beauty of the hair, longan seed contains saponins in them, these substances biasadipakai as an ingredient in the manufacture of shampoo to keep hair beauty.
  • Lose weight, fat content and calories in the longan fruit is very low, very tepet for those of you who are on a diet.
  • Benefits of longan itself is actually a lot of lo, we can get various benefits of this fruit both from the leaves, seeds, and fruit, when viewed from the all the properties of the fruit longan is a lot, and therefore I'll explain a little important, yes, urainnya below for more details;

1. Anti-depressants
Longan has a calming effect, improves nerve function, overcoming irritation and reduce fatigue. Longan can also treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

2. Helps the heart and spleen 
By reducing stress and fatigue, kelengkengkeng lighten the work of the heart and spleen. Longan also can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. 

3. Accelerate healing and extending life expectancy 
Fruit longan believed to accelerate the healing process and extend the life expectancy of this dikarenak in fruit longan contained polyphenol content that can mmerangi radicals in the body sehinggah damage to cells can be overcome, and keep in mind that the fruit longan also could prevent / reduce the occurrence of cancer. 

4. Blood circulation 
This is why longan can be used to prevent anemia. In addition, longan proven able to control the levels of iron in the body. 

5. Diet
Calories and fat levels of Longan fruit is very low at around 35 calories, so for those of you who want to implement the diet, can try other alternatives to the often consume these longan fruit. 

6. Energy source
It's almost the same number 5 above explanation, although fat and low-calorie, fruit longan contain complex carbohydrates that can be used as an alternative energy supply and increase your stamina. 

7. Prevent fever and flu 
This fruit is rich in vitamin C, including the fruit longan also contains vitamin C, so you must consume in order to prevent a variety of diseases that come when the immune system is again less fit, which is to protect the body from fever and flu / cold 

8. Skin health 
Healthy skin is skin that always appear bright and easy to dry, this can be overcome by frequent consumption of fruit longan, because it contains material anti-aging, whose main function is to prevent wrinkling of skin around the mat, miminimalisir damage and exfoliation and also can lighten skin color. 

9. Overcoming the loss of appetite, weakness and diarrhea affluent
Eat 60 grams of fresh longan, perform twice daily in the morning and evening. 

10. Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety (anxiety) 
"Tonic longan" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fresh litchi fruit and 500 grams of sugar, bring to a boil in airhingga becomes thick. Drink each day of the spoon. Agency weak or repair the body after illness western consumption of 250 grams of fresh litchi fruit every day.

Longan Seed Benefits

1. longan seeds to treat snake bites
If you are bitten by a snake to neutralize toxins in order not to spread to the heart, you can try early treatment / first aid with mengurutnya with longan seeds, because the seeds kelengkeng in trust can absorb toxins due to snake bite and suck the poison.

2. Seeds Longan maintain healthy hair 
Surely you do not want it your hair quickly broken, dry and even easy to fall off, the natural way to care for your hair is to try to use seed longan for shampoo, because the seed longan contain substances saponin is the base material that is usually used to make shampoo 

3. Overcoming toes itch and purulent 
Take some longan seeds, roasted over the fire. Mash until smooth, spread it on the affected part. 4. Burns Take a skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on the part and burn. 

5. Wounds that never healed 
Take a skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with olive oil. Apply on the injured area. 

Another benefit of longan fruit are as follows:
  • Weak and lacking energy during pregnancy
  • Healthy intestines
  • Launched Various Diseases
  • Peluruh Urine and Blood Circulation: The longan tree root efficacious as a laxative urine and blood circulation. 
  • Anti-inflammatory and fever Silencer: The leaves of the tree longan efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever reducer. 
  • Eliminate Pain and Bleeding Stops

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